Ps2 Ntsc2pal With Yfix Rar Extractor. Download Ps2 Rar at Ps2 Informer. Join (Merge, Combine) Multiple. SKSApps Website Backup (Webseeded) Torrent. Download Ps2 Ntsc2pal With Yfix Rar free software. 2MB Games Playstation: ps2 ntsc2pal yfix rar. File name: Ps2 ntsc2pal yfix By Radamanthys.rar.
If you are looking for programs see or scroll down to see the software setion. Dear Reader, this is a sort of checklist. Go through this and many of your problems will be resolved. So, before you click Start New Thread pleeeeeeeeeese go through this and make life easier for yourself and everyone else.
[bold]In order play/make backups you must have the following:[/bold] 1. Modification on your PS2 to play backups - Swap Magic or Mod Chip. DVD-Writer with latest firmware.
High quality media to burn your backups. Taiyo Yuden, Maxells and Verbatims are all top-notch media. For more info on media see 4. The right type of software such as dvd decrypter/Nero/Alcohol 120.

Decent computer which is able to undertake dvd burning for optimum results. ( 1 Gig processor, 256 mb RAM would do fine.) [bold] Before posting make sure you have read:[/bold] [bold]For general questions:[/bold] 1. Tokijin's MiniFaq: 2. Tokijin's FAQ: [bold]For troubleshooting:[/bold] 1. Paddymail's checklist: 2. Mik3h's guide: [bold]For DVD Decrypter questions[/bold] 1. Bleiss's Guide: [bold]For Rebuilding questions:[/bold] 1.
Alkohol's guide: 2. 3dluis' guide:3. Auto rebuilding with GNEI's Expert guide: [bold]For downloaded games questions:[/bold] 1. Hursty's guide: 2.
CraigC's guide: [bold]For media questions:[/bold] 1. Official media thread: [bold]For Swap Magic problem questions[/bold] 1. Common Swap Magic problems resolved: [bold]In your post make sure you mention:[/bold] Follow the format mentioned in this:1. The type of modification you are using. In case of swap magic also include what tool you are using ie slide tool/flip top. For mod chip give us the name of mod chip. The type of media you are using: its format: -/+ R (never use RW), its maximum write speed(ie 8x), its make(ie sony, maxell) and its media code.
The type of ps2 you have fat or slim and its version V1 to Vx. To find out which version you got visit 4.
The sotware you used to make the backup (ie dvd decrypter). The name of the game (ie FIFA 2006) you are trying to backup and its region ie PAL/NTSC. How you acquired the game? Original disc/ backup disc / downloaded game.
Remember piracy is not tolerated here. If you are indulging in piracy, then atleast when you mention your problem use politically correct terms.So, you, others and Afterdawn remain safe. [bold]The software you need and where to get it:[/bold] [bold]Burning Tools:[/bold] 1. DVD Decrypter:,, Here are the instructions on how to use it Steimy's guide Bleiss's guide 2. Latest firmware for your DVD Writer visit or go to your DVD Writer's manufacturer's website and look in the downloads or support section. Trial version of Nero 7:, For info about Nero go to this forum:4.
Trial version of Alcohol 120:, [bold]Rebuilding tools:[/bold] It is highly recommended that you download all these tools in a bundle from here (courtsey Paddymail) 1. GNEi's Auto Rebuilder:, Tutorial on how to use GNEi's tool: 2. ISO Buster: 3.
SONY CD/DVD GEN 1. Workplace Wellness Programs Statistics For Dummies. 5: 4. Gnie's IML2ISO: 5.
APACHE 3(PREVIEW):To use these tools see Alkohol's guide: and 3dluis's guide: [bold]PS2 PAL 2 NTSC/NTSC 2 PAL Fixes[/bold] 1. PAL 2 NTSC PATCHER WITH Y-FIX: 2. ADR Patcher: 3.
NTSC 2 PAL PATCHER: Before patching you MUST see this guide by nrk4594: [bold]Extraction Tools[/bold] 1. WinZip:, [bold]Also see this link. It has all the programs:[/bold] [bold]Other things to keep in mind:[/bold] 1. You MUST read the forum rules: 2. Be polite to everyone whether newbie or addict.