Comprehensiveness rating: 4 The book covers all subjects that I need except the required materials on joint distributions. It would be great to have two more chapters to cover joint probability distributions for discrete and continuous random variables. Also I feel that the last chapter on random walks is not necessary to be included. Accuracy rating: 5 It does seem to be free of errors Relevance/Longevity rating: 5 Yes, the content is up-to-date and the book with adding some materials on joint distributions is good to serve as an introduction of probability for undergraduates. Clarity rating: 5 well written and with a lot of interesting examples and exercise problems. Consistency rating: 5 yes, the terminology and framework in this book are consistent Modularity rating: 4 I would like to move CH3 on combinatorics to the front before talking about any distribution in CH1 and CH2.
Introduction To Probability Solutions Manual Grinstead Snell Keywords Get free access to PDF Ebook Introduction To Probability Solutions Manual Grinstead Snell PDF.
Also CH5 on some important distributions could be split to CH1 and CH2. Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4 The book is well organized but could be better with some changes, see my comments in Item 6 above Interface rating: 4 index terms on the back could be improved with some click-through function. Grammatical Errors rating: 5 I do not see grammatical problem (I am not a native speaker) Cultural Relevance rating: 5 no cultural issues found in the book Comments This is a good introduction book on probability, especially it is free to students. I hope that the authors could update the book soon with considering my suggestions Reviewed by Steve Schoenbaechler, Instructor, Miami University (Ohio), on 6/21/2017. Comprehensiveness rating: 4 There is a table of contents that breaks up the chapters into subtopics, also. There is an index.
Not much depth in some areas. There isn't much talked about with certain graphics, aka defining histograms and pie charts. Hypothesis testing is limited. There are no solutions in the back of the book to the chapter problems. Probability is covered well. Statistics (aka Prob and Stats)?
Accuracy rating: 5 The book does seem to be free of errors. Relevance/Longevity rating: 5 The book's relevance and longevity shouldn't be a problem. All information is relevant to the topic. I read the online version.
So, one would think that any updates would be rather easily accomplished. Clarity rating: 3 The book wasn't very clear for me. I noticed several times where, for example, individual cases were listed simply within the formatting of the paragraph, where these should probably be outlined, with bullet-points. Or, definitions are given within the framework of the paragraphs, where these should probably be separated from the paragraph, given their own spaces in the text. Even though important terms may be italicized, it can still be difficult to identify them within the readings.
Some of the symbols, you have to take your time to make sure you understand just what it is describing. Consistency rating: 5 The textbook does seem to be consistent in its use of terminology and framework. It does show consistent structure, rather than going 'hodge podge' every once in a while. Modularity rating: 4 Each chapter in the book does show suptopics on the table of contents. As for re-ordering the chapters, that may have something to do with how the individual instructor conducts the class.
As in, if the instructor re-orders the material, they are probably going to have to provide some of their own introduction material for each chapter. Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 3 The flow tends to be a bit tedious at times. Some steps and/or terms are written in the format of the paragraphs, themselves, and not set apart from the rest of the writing. Download Activity Manual For Programmable Logic Controller Software there. Interface rating: 3 The interface is decent.
Some of the charts and tables are 2-4 pages off. But, the way the author did many of the graphics, he grouped many of the graphics together on certain pages.
Computer programs are mentioned throughout the examples, but there are no computer codes or programs listed anywhere. Grammatical Errors rating: 5 The book's grammar was fine. Very well written in this aspect.