2013 Cadillac Cts Brochure Pdf

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Cadillac Automobile Company (Cadillac) is an American automobile brand founded in 1902. It was based on the Henry Ford Company after Henry Ford left and reorganized. Cadillac's first model was very close to the Ford Model A of the same year. Cadillac was acquired by General Motors (GM) and became GM's luxury division in 1909. Cadillac introduced the self-starter in 1912, an automotive first, a V8 engine in 1915, a V12 and a V16 engine in 1930. Lacquer paint was introduced and offered the customer more than 500 different color combinations in 1926. Harley Earl, a designer, was hired to design a companion model to Cadillac, the LaSalle.

It was built by Cadillac and priced below the Cadillac to bridge the price gap between Buick and Cadillac. The norm was to use engineers to design cars. LaSalle outsold Cadillac and the brand was ended in order to not dilute the Cadillac prestige.

The Series 60 was released in 1936, a mid-priced vehicle in order to conquer a larger market share. The tail fin, modeled after the Lockheed P-38 Lightning fighter plane from World War II, was introduced in 1948 and became larger until the tail fin reached its peak in 1959 and shrunk down and were discontinued in 1965. Air bags and catalytic converters were introduced in 1974 and electronic fuel-injection 1975. The 32-valve Northstar V8 engine came to market in 1992 in the Cadillac Atlante. The Cadillac Escalade was introduced in 1999. The design theme of the new century with sharp edges is inspired by another Lockheed airplane, the F-22 Raptor.

2014 Cadillac Cts Brochure Pdf

• 2 014 A LL- NE W C A DIL L A C C T S SED A N. • W AY T O G E T T HERE I S S IMP LY T O B EL IE V E Y O U C A N. At Cadillac, we’ve set out to create our own uniquely American breed of extraordinary. It’s why we’ve created our own daring school of design that bends steel way beyond its comfort zone.

• O V ER V IE W P ERF O RM A N C E E X T ER I O R IN T ER I O R C UE T EC HN O L O G IE S S A F E T Y & S EC UR I T Y C O L L EC T I O N S W HEEL S F E AT URE S A ND O P T I O N S. • O V ER V IE W CR A F T E D T O T H R I L L Its design is striking, inside and out. Every component, honed and crafted.

Thrilling performance and sophisticated technology lurk within, while the extraordinary design is outwardly unmistakable. • P ERF O RM A N C E: V S P O R T H E A R T S W I L L R ACE. SYN A P SES W IL L F IRE. 6 L T W I N T U R B O D I R E C T - I N J E C T I O N V 6 E N G I N E Introducing the all-new CTS Vsport. • P ERF O RM A N C E: H A ND L IN G & SU S P EN S I O N T H E SPE E D OF L IGH T. The all-new CTS is the lightest rear-wheel drive car in its class, with a dynamic chassis that’s nearly 200 lbs.