Ssl Setup Apache Windows Server

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Ssl Setup Apache Windows ServerSsl Setup Apache Windows Server

Hicom 120 Programming Manual. Transferring an SSL Certificate from a Windows server to an Apache Server. These instructions explain how to export an SSL certificate installed on a Microsoft server.

Two basic questions here: If I want to serve SSL content from 3 different servers (A, B, C) through a reverse proxy (P), where does the SSL magic happen? I'm guessing that each server will be responsible for handling the SSL stuff and X just routes the bits, but I'm not sure. Presumably in this case, I would use the same cert signed for X on each machine A, B, C.

Or does X do all the SSL stuff by itself? Second, what's the best webserver to use for the reverse proxy on Windows Server 2008? IIS, Apache, etc. Extra credit if you have a good example of setting one up with your recommendation. Thanks for your help! I assume by 'Reverse Proxy' you mean an Apahce server acting as a Proxy vs. DNAT (Destination NAT).

In this case, your clients see your servers (A,B,C) with internal IPs (IA,IB,IC) as external or public IP devices (XA, XB, XC). If, on the other hand, you want to represent your (IA, IB,IC) devices as a single external IP (XIP) then you will need to use SSL Certificates that incorporate multiple subject alternate names. In fact, if you have only one public IP and you want multiple SSL sites against that one public IP, you will need to use a cert with multiple subject alternate names regardless of the reverse proxy going on. The attribute is called 'SubjAltName' in X.500 land.

This link may help you: You really can't DNAT HTTPS connections unless your DNAT knows how to handle SSL Certs - you're basically creating a MITM (man-in-the-middle) process; one of the very things SSL tries to protect against. I quote from our excellent CMS support guy 'The thing that needs to be thought about for this is where you will do the SSL termination In other words will the request be client to proxy as https and then http from the proxy to the internal box where you are getting apache to terminate the SSL Or The entire conversation is SSL I would favour the 1st option where you let Apache terminate the SSL as there is no real need to have the entire conversation as https I would put the certificate on the apache server within a virtual host directive and then proxy that request on to the internal box.' In other words either, but it's easier to avoid encrypting internally on your own network.

IIS won't reverse proxy as far as I know (certainly up to IIS 6, not sure about later), so its Apache. You can also use SQUID which seems to be good, although I have no direct experience of it.

Algebra Lineal Seymour Lipschutz Pdf. See also my question on StackOverflow () concerning the correct config for Apache.

Apache: Creating Your CSR with OpenSSL Use the instructions in this section to create your own shell commands to generate your Apache CSR with OpenSSL. Recommended: Save yourself some time. Use the to generate an OpenSSL command to create your Apache CSR. Just fill out the form, click Generate, and then paste your customized OpenSSL command into your terminal.

How to Generate a CSR for Apache Using OpenSSL If you prefer to build your own shell commands to generate your Apache CSR, follow the instructions below. • Log in to your server via your terminal client (ssh). Get All My Betting Systems On One Site Executive Software. • Run Command At the prompt, type the following command: Note: Make sure to replace server with the name of your server. Openssl req –new –newkey rsa:2048 –nodes –keyout server.key –out server.csr • Generate Files • You've now started the process for generating the following two files: • Private-Key File: Used to generate the CSR and later to secure and verify connections using the certificate.

• Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file: Used to order your SSL certificate and later to encrypt messages that only its corresponding private key can decrypt. • When prompted for the Common Name (domain name), type the fully qualified domain (FQDN) for the site that you are going to secure. Note: If you're generating an Apache CSR for a, make sure your common name starts with an asterisk (e.g., * • When prompted, type your organizational information, beginning with your geographic information. Note: You may have already set up default information.